Please note that order shipments will resume post 15-01-2025 owing to year-end warehouse operations. Thank you for your patience.

Our Purpose

Over the years, we have seen humanity, with the help of technology, design, and intelligence, reinvent itself to improve lives. At Legrand, we have been pursuing every possible avenue in the realm of breakthrough technology, cutting-edge design and connectivity and intelligence since inception with a single minded purpose - improving lives. Over 150 years of constant innovation has helped us understand that improving lives means creating products that offer more comfort, more security and greater energy efficiency. From engineers working on products that you eventually use, to people supporting you at the backend to answer any query you may have about our products, to our dealers and managers – everyone at Legrand is committed to improve each of their own capabilities and responsibilities. Just so that as a group, we can confidently and passionately keep improving lives, across India and the world, for years to come.